- Abdication:- Voluntary renouncing throne.
- Acrolect:- A variety of languages closest to a standard main language.
- Accessible:- Which can be approached.
- Aggressor:- One who attacks first.
- Alimony:- Allowance paid to wife on legal separation.
- Ambassador:- Person representing a state in a foreign country.
- Bankrupt:- One who can't pay debt.
- Bigamy:- Have two Husband or two Wives at a time
- Brittle:- Which can be easily broken.
- Bureaucracy:- Government run by officials.
- Calligraphy:-The art of beautiful handwriting.
- Centrifugal:- Anything tending to move away from the center.
- Colleagues:- Person working in the same office.
- Credulous:- Who easily believes others.
- Deaf:- One who cannot hear.
- Democracy:- Government of the people for the people by the people.
- Dilogy:- An ambiguous speech.
- Divisible:- That which can be divided.
- Edible:- A thing fit to eat.
- Eligible:- One who is fit for the post.
- Emigrant:- One who goes to live in a foreign country.
- Employee:- One who is employed.
- Epic:- A long narrative poem.
- Epanorthosis:- Immediate rephrasing for emphasis, intensification, or justification.
- Etymology:- Study of word
- Fastidious:- Having very selective taste, Hard to please.
- Fatalist:- One who Believes in fate.
- Foster Child:- Child brought by persons, who are not his parents.
- Franchise:- Constitutional right to cast a vote.
- Germicide:- Which destroys germs.
- Glutton:- fond of overeating.
- Gratis:- Without any payment.
- Gregarious:- Animals live in flocks.
- Hearse:- Vehicle to carry dead bodies.
- Homicide:- Murder of a human being.
- Homogeneous:- Things of the same nature.
- Honorary:- A post without any remuneration.
- Hydrophobia:- A fear of water.
- Hypothesis:- A tentative assumption.
- Ignorant:- Person has no knowledge of what is happening
- Illegal:- Unlawful
- Illegible:- Which cannot be read.
- Illiterate:- One who can neither read nor write.
- Immigrant:- A person from another country comes to our country to settle.
- Incredible:- Which can't be believed.
- Kindergarten:- A school for small children.
- Kleptomania:- An abnormal desire to steal.
- Linguist:- One who knows many languages.
- Loquacious:- A continuous talker.
- Lunar:- Eclipse of the moon.
One Word Substitution
May 07, 2024
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