Synonyms [ A to C ]

Adv. Madhu Bala

1.     Abase - degrade, disgrace, demean, dishonor, stigmatize

2.     Abandon - desert, forsake, leave, relinquish 

3.     Abhor - hate, detest, despise, loathe

4.     Abut - adjoin, border, verge on, join 

5.     Abstain - refuse, renounce, avoid, shun

6.     Abbreviate - abridge, compress, shorten, truncate, curtail

7.     Aberration - deviation, wandering, errant, irregular, weird, abnormal

8.     Abey - aid, assist, condone, favor, support,

9.     Absurd - ridiculous, silly, foolish, preposterous 

10. Abstruse - recondite, hidden, difficult 

11. Assiduous - painstaking diligent industrious laborious meticulous

12. Abundant - ample, copious, plentiful bountiful existing in large quantities 

13. Adequate - enough sufficient proportionate

14. Accommodate - adapt, adjust, reconcile 

15. Acme - Apex zenith, peak, summit

16. Acclaim - applaud, cheer, celebrate, praise

17. Acquiesce (in) - assent rest accede comply Concur, consent, submit

18. Admiration - esteem, praise, respect, approval, approbation, awe, regard

19. Adherent - sticking to, follower, partisan, devotee

20. Affliction - distress, ordeal, suffering, sorrow

21. Adversity - Misfortune, calamity, catastrophe hostility 

22. Ameliorate - make better, improve, amend 

23. Ally - colleague, helper, partner, accomplice 

24. Audacious - bold, brave, impudent, daring 

25. Astonish - image surprise stand 

26. Assistance - help, aid, succor, collaboration, sustenance

27. Aphorism - maxim, proverb, motto, adage, apothegm axiom

28. Apprehend - seize, know, fear, arrest, understand, 

29. Appraise - evaluate, estimate,

30. Antithesis - contrasting, reverse

31. Alms - dole, gratuity, money, clothes, and food given to poor people.

32. Beg - implore, solicit, supplicate, beseech, request, plead 

33. Behaviour - conduct, deportment, manner Demeanour

34. Base - ignoble, mean, low, Foundation

35. Bad - evil, wicked, worthless, devilish

36. Blame - censure reprove, condemn reproach 

37. Blessing - benediction God’s help or protection

38. Banish - exile, ostracize, deport, to other somebody to leave a place

39. Barbaric - savage, uncivilized, primitive align

40. Bait - snare, trap, decoy,

41. Brittle - frail, fragile, hard but easily broken 

42. Bizarre - unusual grotesque fantastic 

43. Bewilder - confound per

44. Belligerent - warlike, pugnacious, hostile

45. Bedlam - unrest, chaos, mayhem, clamor, confusion

46. Bravo - fearless, intrepid, dauntless, valiant, bold 

47. Burlesque - mock, intimate, tease, satirize, ridicule, jeer, deride

48. Browbeat, intimidate, bully, frighten, threaten, 

49. Backlash - repercussion, reaction, recoil

50. Banal - dull, trite, hackneyed, prosaic

51. Bigoted - biased, prejudiced, dogmatic, opinionated 

52. Clam - quiet, tranquil, peaceful, sedate, composed, tranquil

53. Cajole - persuade, flatter, wheedle, coax

54. Captious - censorious, hypercritical, fault-finding

55. Care - solicitude, anxiety, misgiving, foreboding

56. Charlatan - imposter, mountebank, quack, chicane, trickster

57. Choleric - irascible, petulant, bad-tempered

58. Conceit - pride, vanity, ego, arrogance

59. Colossal - gigantic, huge, Enormous, mammoth, vast

60. Cynical - Surely, misanthropic, Moody, eccentric, sardonic, sarcastic 

61. Conversant (with) - familiar, well-versed, acquainted

62. Condign - due, merited, suitable, well deserved

63. Condon - pardon, forgive, excuse, overlook

64. Confess - admit, apologize, own, acknowledge 

65. Contingent (on) - Liable possibly uncertain

66. Constant - eternal, perpetual, ongoing, continuous

67. Cross- Crusty fretful, ill-humored

68. Cursory - superficial, careless, hasty

69. Crafty - Cunning, artful, Sly, calculating,

70. Cruelty - Ferocity, tyranny, persecution, brutality, oppression

Synonyms [ D to I ]

Synonyms [ J to Z ]


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